Brandwood Primary

Brandwood Community Wood

Life at Brandwood Primary

"This is a good school with outstanding features" Ofsted 2008

How are learners supported when moving between phases of education?

Transition from Early Years to Key Stage 1

End of year assessments and transition meetings are used to identify the children who are working below or well below age related expectations including those with SEND at the end of the EYFS. Learners who are not yet ready to access the Year 1 curriculum are timetabled to work in a small group in the ‘Busy Bees’ Transition room for some lessons. These children practise the basic skills of reading, writing and maths but in a similar setting to the EYFS. The children complete many practical activities, including role play and speaking and listening, and have access to the continuous provision to support their learning.

Annual Transition

Annual transition meetings take place before the start of every year and are attended by the previous class teacher, the new class teacher and the relevant SENDCo. At the meeting all documentation for learners with SEND including Learner Profiles, external agency reports, Early Help review forms, behaviour logs and assessment data are discussed and handed over. Professional discussions regarding individual learners with specific learning needs, medical conditions and behavioural difficulties take place, this includes discussion of any triggers inside or outside of the classroom pertinent to individual needs, successful strategies for overcoming the barriers to learning and an overview of how each learner is progressing in school with the support in place. Existing external agency support that is taking place is shared and future plans for referrals to external agencies for assessment and support are discussed following a review of learner outcomes. All learners then attend a transition morning with their new teacher in their new classroom.

Secondary School Transition

Staff from the secondary schools that our learners are transferring to meet with class teachers to discuss the specific needs of all learners including those with SEND. This ensures that all staff from the secondary phase are aware of the needs of our learners and can make adequate arrangements in readiness for the transition of our learners. Extra transition days are arranged where appropriate for children with specific SEND and they will be accompanied by a member of staff whom they are familiar with to make the transition process easier. In addition, the SENDCo will liaise, and in some cases meet, with the secondary school SENDCo to transfer any active Early Helps for learners with SEND and discuss any more complex cases.