Identifying Learners with SEND
To find out how learners with SEND are identified please click here.
Who should I contact if I have concerns about my child?
If you have any concerns regarding any aspect of learning or development for your child, please speak initially to their class teacher. If necessary, a meeting will then be planned with a member of the SEND team, depending on the nature of the concern.
The SEND Team:
- Mrs Cameron – KS1 & KS2 SENDCo
- Mrs Jones - EYFS & Sanctuary SENDCo
- Mrs Holmes - Head Teacher
- Mrs McGonagle - SEND Link Governor
All members of the SEND team can be contacted at school by telephone: 01204 333444, or by making an appointment at the school office.
Class Teacher Responsibilities
All class teachers are responsible for:
- Adapting and refining the curriculum to respond to the strengths and needs of all learners
- Monitoring and assessing the progress of learners and identifying, planning and delivering any additional support if necessary
- Devising ‘Learner Profiles’ and identifying targets for learners to progress to the next stage of learning and ascertaining appropriate strategies for each learner
- Implementing, enforcing and adhering to the SEND policy
SEND Team Responsibilities
The SEND team are responsible for:
- Ensuring that all parents and carers of learners with SEND are involved in supporting their child’s learning and access to the curriculum
- Informing parents and carers about the range and level of support offered to their child
- Including parents and carers in reviewing the progress of learners
- Consulting parents and carers about planning successful movement (transition) to a new class or school
- Liaising with a range of external agencies who can offer advice and support to help learners to access the curriculum
- Providing specialist advice and facilitating training to ensure that staff are skilled and confident to plan and differentiate for a range of needs
- Evaluating, along with other teaching and learning staff, the effectiveness of the provision for learners with special educational needs or a disability. This takes place through regular monitoring including observations of interventions, tracking of learner progress and written and verbal feedback from those involved
If you have a concern related to a medical or health issue, then you may also wish to speak to your doctor or health visitor, however depending on the nature of concern, referrals to other agencies may be made by the school to identify the best way to support your child. Key staff in school will support parents or carers to access the relevant support services if and when a referral is made. If your child has a medical condition it is important to inform school immediately so that the appropriate support and provision can be implemented and an IHCP (Individual Health Care Plan) completed.
Where parents and carers are unhappy with the provision offered to their child, they are invited to use the school complaints procedure which can be found on the school website.