Brandwood Primary

Brandwood Community Wood

Life at Brandwood Primary

"This is a good school with outstanding features" Ofsted 2008

SEND Information Report


SEND Mission Statement

Brandwood Community School strives to be a place of educational excellence for the local community and beyond. Our reputation is built on unity, respect and trust. We celebrate diversity amongst all our learners and staff and we seek to nurture the talents and achievements of each individual through high quality, carefully focused, fully inclusive teaching and learning and dedicated pastoral care. Working in partnership with parents and carers is fundamental to our success and provides a firm foundation for the positive relationships we share throughout the primary career of every learner. 

All staff members, teachers and support staff, are dedicated to ensuring all the learners they work with succeed in reaching their full potential both academically and personally. Our learning support staff team is highly skilled and experienced they make a significant, positive impact to improving outcomes for learners with additional needs. Our aim is to know our learners well and provide a level of support that will provide them with the help they need but without compromising their right to be independent learners.

The SENDCOs are:

  •  Mrs Jones (EYFS & Sanctuary SENDCo)
  •  Mrs Cameron (KS1 & KS2 SENDCo)

If you wish to make an appointment to meet with one of our SENDCOs, please contact the school office on 01204 333444.

To download a complete copy of the SEND Information Report click here.