Severe Weather Warning
Dear Parent/Carer
Action to be Taken During Severe Weather
In the event of severe weather, the safety of pupils, parents and staff at school is paramount. Access to the main entrances within the school gates will be gritted and we would request that parents and children stay within the gritted areas. To clarify, the playground and equipment will be off limits during the snow/freezing weather. Please ensure your child/ren do not access the equipment and take care in the yard before and after school.
The decision to close the school will only be taken after considering the particular circumstances of our premises. These will include not only the severity of the weather, but also the condition of the surrounding roads and pathways, the ability of staff to get to school and the availability of public transport.
Should the decision be made to close the school we will post the information on Bolton Council's Website and the Council's Contact Centre will be advised (01204) 333333. In addition, the local radio stations Tower FM (107.4fm) and Real Radio (105.4fm) will be informed.
We will also be using our text messaging service to inform parents/carers of any school closure. Please could all parents/carers ensure the mobile phone number we have on the system is up to date.
During the cold weather children need to be dressed in suitable warm clothing and footwear with grips where possible.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Yours faithfully
Mrs A Holmes Head Teacher