Brandwood Primary

Brandwood Community Wood

Life at Brandwood Primary

"This is a good school with outstanding features" Ofsted 2008

Class Closure & Individual Isolation Guidance

In the event of a positive Covid-19 test result, there may be times when a class or an individual child will have to learn remotely from home. If this happens we will continue to be fully committed to providing differentiated, high quality remote home learning for all. The class teachers, supported by some of our teaching assistant team, will deliver daily ‘live’ lessons for their class or the individual child that will include feedback and marking sessions, following independent task time for all morning lessons and some afternoon lessons. In the event of class closure this offer will be available to all learners in all year groups via our chosen interactive teaching and learning platform ‘Microsoft Teams’ so that our remote provision continues to meet the needs of each class as much as possible. The remote home learning timetable will follow the class timetable as closely as possible. The English provision will consist of reading, grammar and spelling activities, allowing for the face to face teaching of writing to be the focus when the class return to school after their isolation period. In terms of an individual isolation of a child, due to the household needing to isolate, a teaching assistant will deliver lessons via Microsoft Teams, wherever possible, but to a lesser extent than when a class is isolating together, depending on how many individual isolations we are experiencing and the availability of staff. 

Spending time with their class teacher and their peers or a teaching assistant virtually will also help your child feel connected to school life and enable them to maintain a routine to their day. The corresponding work pack, taken home on the day of class closure or posted if necessary, will contain everything your child needs to complete the tasks set in each lesson, alongside the resource packs provided at the start of term.

We appreciate and are aware that for some families this ‘live’ teaching remote learning offer may not always meet the demands of family life, with some parents and carers having to work from home or siblings possibly needing to access their ‘live’ lessons at the same time. One solution to this is the use of headphones (to create a quiet space) available on loan from school if needed.

If you have an IT device request, issues with loaned devices or missing password information etc. please ring our IT support helpline on 07576796502 or

email: and we will respond as soon as possible.

As an alternative to ‘live lessons’ (for those who cannot access the Microsoft Teams lessons at the times on the timetable) there will be daily lesson links on their relevant year group page under the remote home learning tab on the school website or sent by text message for individual learners. This resource has been set up so that your child can watch a recorded teaching video to support them to complete their daily set tasks in their work pack at a time convenient to your family.

In each work pack there is also a homework activity sheet, which details the work your child needs to complete independently for half a day a week. The class teacher or teaching assistant will explain the tasks set to their class or group so they can do so as independently as possible. Please also see the homework tab on the school website for your child's homework activity sheet and links to recommended websites if necessary.

The results of weekly maths and spelling tests, set as part of the weekly homework activity sheet, will be sent to parents and carers by text and confirmation or otherwise of the completion of reading tasks on reading plus will also be shared via text messages home. Celebration postcards will be sent home every week to those who have been chosen by the class teacher or teaching assistant as making the most effort in lessons, when completing independent tasks and with their homework. 

Careful attendance records will be kept of all those attending every live teaching session on a daily basis and as soon as the introductory part of the lesson finishes, and class teachers are satisfied their online class are settled to completing their task, they will ring the parents or carers of those not in attendance to ascertain why and provide support if necessary

Due to the increased amount of time that will be spent online learning when the class is closed, please use the links below to access information regarding online safety:

Further links can be found in the E-Safety section of our school website 

If your child has additional needs or an EHCP their provision will be individualised and delivered either virtually or in school. One of our SENDCos will make weekly contact with these families to provide an opportunity to raise any concerns and share successes.

If you would like to read the full detail of our remote home learning offer for all learners, please click on the link below:


We really do understand and appreciate the pressure you and your family may be under at this time so please support your child just when you are able to and let school know if there are any issues with the work set, for whatever reason, during the weekly class teacher pastoral phone calls or via the office email on:


Please ensure you follow the local restrictions: to stay as safe as you can and ensure your child remains at home until the class isolation period has finished. As always, we really appreciate your patience, kindness and steadfast support.

Take care,

Mrs Holmes (Head Teacher)